Monday, April 18, 2016

Is there a Vintner in the house?

In the last e-mail, I talked about our 5th great grand uncle William Stewart and his children.  One of his children Joseph Stewart, moves to Pultney,Steuben County,NY.  If you look at the photos of Joseph and his family on our site, the photo indicates that they are buried on someone's vineyard. Through census records, I've discovered that several of his children,grandchildren and even son-in-laws are grape growers in Steuben County,NY.  Joseph's wife Lydia has a Stuart maiden name.  Part of our uncle William's family started using the Stuart name instead of Stewart.  I have yet to locate Lydia's parents but since one of their son's name is Selden Stewart, I'm thinking there is a connecttion.

Some links to Steuben County sites:

And a final link to a cemetery where some of the Stewarts are buried. The family in the picture honoring Phineas Parker, would be distant relatives of ours. Phineas's daughter Polly, is the wife of Selden Stewart, our second cousin.

Jospeh Stewart and family

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